本人的另外一個嗜好是下廚,僅限於心情好或著是非常有空的時候才會煮 (喂)
每天會被我掛在嘴上嚷嚷的就是炒烏龍了! 一來是為了可以帶便當,另一方面是這道菜很方便!
食材 Ingredient:
烏龍麵 280g (這樣子才可以吃兩餐喔!) Udon noodles 280g
胡蘿蔔1/3條切絲 1/3 Carrot, sliced
生香菇2朵切絲 2 fresh mushroom, sliced
木耳1片切絲 1 tree mushroom, sliced
杏鮑菇2個 2 King Oyster Mushroom, sliced
蛤蠣6~8個 several clams
小白菜2小顆切小段 2 chinese cabbage, chopped
大蒜3辦 3 cloves garlic, peeled
生辣椒1/3條 1/3 hot chilli
調味料 Seasoning:
醬油2大匙 2 tablespoon soy sauce
味醂1大匙 1 tablespoon mirin
米酒1匙 1 teaspoon rice wine
黑胡椒粉少許 few ground pepper
鹽巴1匙 1 teaspoon salt
烏醋1匙 1 teaspoon chinese vinegar
橄欖油 60ml olive oil
1. 開中火,在炒鍋裡加熱橄欖油,等到溫度升高(快要冒煙之前)加入大蒜及生辣椒翻炒,確認聞到香味(大蒜)以及嗆味(辣椒)
2. 將蔬菜都加進鍋中(木耳、紅蘿蔔、生香菇、杏鮑菇)可分批放入,炒熟,視情況加入適量的水以煮熟食材以及煮出蔬菜的原味為重點
3. 承上,加入適量的鹽巴翻炒,如果鍋裡太乾了可以再加入些水蓋鍋蓋悶煮約1~2分鐘
4. 承上,加入新鮮的蛤蠣可再加入開水繼續悶煮,蓋上鍋蓋,期待它波波波的開殼!!!開殼之後先將蛤蠣撈起以免煮太久萎縮。
5. 加入烏龍麵條,待受鍋內的溫度軟化,用筷子撥散開來,再加入醬油、味醂、米酒,盡量讓整體都融合在一起。
6. 約翻炒個3分多鐘(是個人喜好決定時間長短,將決定麵條的軟硬度),收尾前加入煮好的蛤蠣,在加上烏醋(最重要的提味!) 灑上黑胡椒粉。
7. 擺盤,上桌!!!!!!!
1. Heat oil in a frying pan and saute garlic and chilli.
2. Add mushroom, carrots, king mushroom, some water and chinese cabbage and cook over a medium heat for around 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. Add clams in the pan together with other ingredients til they are cooked and opened.
4. Pick up all the clams and put them in another plate.
5. Cook udon noodles in the same pan, spreading out the noodles by chopsticks.
6. Add soysauce, mirin, and salt, make them all stirred nice and evenly.
7. Stirring occasionally around 3 minutes, make sure the flavor is good.
8. Ready to serve :)
hope you will enjoy :)